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Horsing Around: Spontaneous Four-Legged Coordination. Journal of Motor Behavior [Internet]. 2009;41(6):519 - 524.
. In silico cancer modeling: is it ready for prime time?. Nature Clinical Practice Oncology [Internet]. 2009;6(1):34 - 42.
. Increased Anxiety and Depression in Danish Cardiac Patients with a Type D personality: Cross-Validation of the Type D Scale (DS14). International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2009;16(2):98 - 107.
. Inhibitory Effect of Thymol on Suicidal Erythrocyte Death. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 2009;24(5-6):407 - 414.
. Interpersonal Light Touch Assists Balance in the Elderly. Journal of Motor Behavior [Internet]. 2009;41(5):397 - 399.
. Interpersonal synchronization during side by side treadmill walking is influenced by leg length differential and altered sensory feedback. Human Movement Science [Internet]. 2009;28(6):772 - 785.
. The legal status of raw data: a guide for research practice. Utrecht: SURFfoundation; 2009.
. Multiscale modelling and nonlinear simulation of vascular tumour growth. Journal of Mathematical Biology [Internet]. 2009;58(4-5):765 - 798.
. New technologies to investigate the brain-gut axis. World Journal of Gastroenterology [Internet]. 2009;15(2):182.
. Optic Flow Processing for the Assessment of Object Movement during Ego Movement. Current Biology [Internet]. 2009;19(18):1555 - 1560.
. Preliminary Evidence for the Cross-Cultural Utility of the Type D Personality Construct in the Ukraine. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2009;16(2):108 - 115.
. Real time emotion detection using EEG [Internet]. Technical Report. The American University in Cairo; 2009 .
. Risk of bias in meta-analysis on erythropoietin-stimulating agents in heart failure. Heart. 2009;95(15):1278 - 1279.
. Variability in motor learning: relocating, channeling and reducing noise. Experimental Brain Research [Internet]. 2009;193(1):69 - 83.
. The VPH-Physiome Project: Standards and Tools for Multiscale Modeling in Clinical Applications. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 2009;2:40 - 53.
. Agent-based simulation of notch-mediated tip cell selection in angiogenic sprout initialisation. Journal of Theoretical Biology [Internet]. 2008;250(1):25 - 36.
. Application of a user-friendly comprehensive circulatory model for estimation of hemodynamic and ventricular variables. Int J Artif Organs. 2008;31(12):1043-54.
. Centre of pressure sway characteristics during static one-legged stance of athletes from different sports. Journal of Sports Sciences [Internet]. 2008;26(7):775 - 779.
. Chronic heart failure leads to an expanded plasma volume and pseudoanaemia, but does not lead to a reduction in the body's red cell volume. European Heart Journal. 2008;29(19):2343 - 2350.
. Chronic Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging. 2008;1(4):536 - 555.
. A comprehensive review of the psychological effects of brainwave entrainment. Altern Ther Health Med. 2008;14(5):38-50.
. Computational modeling of brain tumors: discrete, continuum or hybrid?. Scientific Modeling and Simulation SMNS [Internet]. 2008;15(1-3):381 - 393.
. Drug Target Identification Using Side-Effect Similarity. Science. 2008;321(5886):263 - 266.
. A hybrid cellular automaton model of clonal evolution in cancer: The emergence of the glycolytic phenotype. Journal of Theoretical Biology [Internet]. 2008;250(4):705 - 722.
. Mechanisms of nongenomic actions of thyroid hormone. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2008;29(2):211-8.